KM4dev is a community of practice about Knowledge Management for Development. It has about 800 members from all over the world, although mainly form the US/Canada and Europe. Since I joined this community somewhere in 2005 I really learnt very much from all discussions and information generated on the list and its wiki .

Once a year the community organises a face to face workshop. In 2006 I participated for the first time and really got thrilled. It is so inspiring to talk and share experiences with peers and work together on developing new insights and learning new ways of working. That was the reason that I joined the ad-hoc organising committee for the 2007 workshop which was held the past days in Zeist, The Netherlands (sponsored by ETC, PSO, IICD, IRC, Hivos and ICCO). Also this time it was a very inspiring meeting in which again I learnt a lot, I met many interesting people and I received an overwhelming quantity of useful information. I am sure all these lessons and wise advices will be useful for our work, and you can be sure I will use them and try to make them accessible to all of you as far as you are interested. But as an overall impression I really got the impression that we are “on the right way” with our CDP within the ICCO-Alliance, and for me that is really motivating.
You can find more information on the workshop on its blog and on the KM4dev-wiki mentioned above. Although I must admit this wiki is not a very good example because it is not very accessible ;-), plans to improve the wiki have been made though! Therefore here the direct links to two concrete examples of the results on Benchmarking and on Graffic Facilitation.
You can find more information on the workshop on its blog and on the KM4dev-wiki mentioned above. Although I must admit this wiki is not a very good example because it is not very accessible ;-), plans to improve the wiki have been made though! Therefore here the direct links to two concrete examples of the results on Benchmarking and on Graffic Facilitation.
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