Saturday 11 October 2008

ComPart: Upcoming plans

On 1 October, the Euforic team and Maarten Boers met in The Hague to review ComPart plans for the coming period.

Two recent meetings guided our efforts - Lisbon in June and Utrecht in May. The
Lisbon discussions were more focussed on possibilities with partners in developing countries; the Utrecht meeting on actions needed to reinforce efforts here in the Netherlands.

The plans include:
  • ComPart goes to Burkina Faso: In mid-October, 2008, we will run a series of ComPart sessions as part of the regional education programme conference in West Africa. For the workshop, we are involving expertise from two additional Euforic members: ATOL and IICD.
  • Extending the ComPart 'alliance': We will agree cooperation frameworks with some of the organizations joining us in Lisbon, building up a capacity in the South to support information, communication and knowledge-sharing activities with ICCO partners in the South.
  • E-surveys of Aliance partners: One of the first collaborations is to survey ICCO alliance partners in different regions to better understand how they engage in information, communication and knowledge-sharing, and their connectivity situations.

  • ComPart in Brazil, Bolivia and Angola: We are exploring with ICCO colleagues and partners how best to embed ComPart activities in emerging programmes.

  • ComPart 'surgeries': Following the May discussions in Utrecht, we will start a regular weekly 'surgery' where anyone working with ComPart can drop in, meet the experts and champions, and get advice answers and share tips (starting 4 November every Tuesday afternoon from 14:00 to 16:00 in the ComPart training room - 041 - at the ICCO offices).

  • Documenting and sharing the learning: While the amount of ComPart activity is growing, we will reinforce efforts to capture knowledge and learning across the Alliance, making sure that that various tools being used are properly presented, tagged and described to allow easier access. Stephanie Zwier recently joined the Euforic team working on the project; she joins ICCO's Gerrit Visser who is already active on this ComPart Blog and elsewhere.

Watch this space for news and updates ...!

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