Wednesday 24 September 2008

Social media: introducing the changes

An interesting article on 'e-Extension' (in agriculture in Australia) looks at ways the same web tools that ComPart is using can also be put to use in rural areas.

Particularly interesting is the author's discussion on 'models of leading change', where he briefly introduces 8 steps (from Kotter), linking them to different web 2.0 tools.

The 8 steps he identifies are:
  1. create a sense of urgency
  2. pull togethr the guiding team
  3. develop the change vision and strategy
  4. communicate for understanding and buy-in
  5. empower others to act
  6. produce short-term wins
  7. don't let up, and
  8. create a new culture
I wonder how we are doing in these respects with ComPart? A long way to go? More progress on some than on others? Food for thought as we take forward the results of our discussions in May (Utrecht) and June (Lisbon).

by Peter Ballantyne

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