Wednesday 23 July 2008

Compart team training

On July 10 team Mission of ICCO & Kerk in Actie was trained in Compart flower. Since we thought that the Compart flower could be very useful for our work we decided to get trained on this new phenomenon as a team so it could be especially applied to our needs and wishes. It is also very nice to all start with this new way of working the same time.

The training started with mapping our partners and their internet possibilities. This helped to get an overviewe of which of our partners could benefit from the Compart flower.

The rest of the day we were trained on the different parts of the Compart flower which could be useful for us and our partners. We all enjoyed the training very much and became aware of the possibilities for our work.

At the moment we are working out the best way to use the Compart flower and are trying to "socialise" it in the team and our working methods. One way we try to do this is by weekly giving someone of the team the Mission WIKI award. The one who has been the most active on the Mission wiki receives this award. It is just a fun way of promoting the wiki and stimulating everybody to start using it.

Team Mission

1 comment:

compart admin team said...

Thanx alot M. for letting us know. Very nice to read that you all enjoyed the training and have put this knowledge in practice in your department. We like the idea of an Mission WIKI award. It's motivating as an encouragement to one another and certainly worth to be followed.